Payroll Cyber-Attacks: How Resilient Are You or Your Provider

Cyber attacks generally steal data for a purpose eg to sell on data or ransom the company the data is stolen from, however additional consequences affecting payroll can also be severe and immediate.

The digital age has brought about unprecedented connectivity, but it has also introduced new vulnerabilities. We’ve all seen headlines about major corporations and even governments falling victim to cyber-attacks, where the personal data of millions have been compromised. But have you considered how such an attack could impact you or your company directly?   The […]

How to Ensure Your Organisation is Equipped: Exploring Tailored Insurance Services in Asia

Black Mountain Insurance Brokers (BMIB) offers a range of insurance services and stands as a trusted advisor to employers, offering a comprehensive spectrum of employee-centric solutions in Singapore. Our specialised services cover Group Health Insurance, Group Life & Critical Illness, Travel Insurance, Professional Indemnity Insurance, Cyber Insurance, Directors & Officers Insurance and CPF. Ensuring you seamlessly attract and retain the best talent by elevating your talent pool with our tailored insurance services in Singapore.

In today’s business environment, safeguarding your organisation’s health, assets, and future is crucial. As a leading insurance provider in Asia, we specialise in tailored insurance services to meet your unique needs. Our comprehensive portfolio includes Group Health, Life & Crucial Illness, Travel, Cyber, Professional Indemnity, Directors & Officers Insurance, and Retirement planning options like Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) and Central Provident Fund (CPF).

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